Foofa's Flower Bed
Friday, August 3, 2012
Vacation is AWESOME!
The ocean was very cold but i still put my feet in it a few times. I was pretty scared but Toodee told me that it would be okay and i just stood there and let the water was over me. We stayed at the ocean for a few days and made some new friends. Maybe I'll tell you about them soon.
It's good to be back in Gabbaland where i know everything and it was nice that DJ Lance and Plex took good care of us on vacation and made sure that we didn't get lost. As much as I like seeing new places and new things I know that Gabbaland is my home. I didn't see any of my family while we were on vacation but I kept an eye out for them. Maybe someday we will take a vacation to my home. Until then I'm going to play with my friends and have a good time.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Flowers and Balloons

I really do have lots of friends here in Gabbaland. They are my best friends. I do love them, even when I am mad at them, and I am mad at Muno a lot. But I love Muno and I am glad he is my friend. Maybe I should get some balloons? Balloons make me happy. I’m going to go ask DJ Lance if he has any balloons and then play with my flower friends for the rest of the day.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Just my Imagination

I forgot to ask Plex about why the computer showed him and Toodee meeting Foofle. It was so hard to talk to him the first time, I don’t know if I have the energy to do it again. It is still a mystery. This computer is pretty crazy. Maybe I shouldn't be using it?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
If I Were in a Fairytale...

After we played I decided that maybe it was time to ask Plex about my family. I was pretty scared and even though I kept following Plex around there never seemed to be a good time to ask. Maybe he is too busy planning that surprise party that Muno thinks is coming. If they are planning a party I bet it is for Muno anyway. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe it is a party for me. Maybe Foofle and the rest of my family will come. Maybe, if I ask too many questions, it will never happen. I suppose I should just keep quiet for now and wait for my fairy godmother.
Friday, November 12, 2010
It's Dancey Dance Time!
Why don’t you all take a look and do The Puppetmaster with us. That might make me feel better. I can remember what fun Gabbaland is and stop all this worrying.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Listening and Learning

Plex: DJ Lance, I think that Foofa knows about the “Mystery” *mumble mumble*. How are we going to explain it to her?
DJ Lance: Plex, none of them know that this is a *mumble mumble*. They don’t know we tape everything that happens here. They certainly don’t know that *mumble mumble* play them in other countries. It would be a disaster. What does she think *mumble mumble*?
Plex: I think she is confused. She may think it is all a dream.
DJ Lance: A dream, I can work with a dream.
Then they got very quiet.
What do all those mumbles mean?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Biggest Mystery of All
This is very strange. In the movie I planted flowers all across the world and across space and through a cave to a magic ocean where Foofle was. He met Toodee and Plex and we all had a picnic. I think they were going to go surfing with him later on. I know Toodee likes to surf, she even gets to surf in her shoe commercial.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Foofa the Spy

Brobee did give me an idea about how to find out about my family. Sometimes Plex shows us things on the computer. He has so much knowledge. He has a computer in his little room between where Brobee and I live. I learned how to use the computer by watching and listening, just like I do to find animals. I typed Foofle into the computer and this strange thing called Wikipedia said that he came to Gabbaland years ago to talk about a mystery. I don’t remember this at all. Why wouldn’t I remember my brother coming to visit? This doesn’t make any sense. It said he came and it said it didn’t air in US. What does that mean? Why isn’t there air in US? Does that mean we can’t breathe? This really makes no sense to me. Maybe this computer is just wrong. I might have to learn more.
Oh, I think I hear Plex coming. I have to get out of here.
Monday, November 8, 2010

The other day the Ringmaster came to town and then we had a circus show. Look at me in my circus outfit for leading the parade of circus performers. Muno is there hogging the spotlight as usual. Just because he was a clown who couldn't talk I think he wanted to be in the middle of the picture. That Muno. When it was time for the circus show to start I looked up in the audience and saw my brother, Foofle, sitting there. It was so neat. He watched me lead the circus parade with my baton and my drum major hat. I wish he could have stayed with me longer or maybe I could have gone home with him. I didn’t see my mom though. I should have asked Foofle where she was. Why wasn’t she here? My family seems to know where I am. Are they not worried about me? Do they want me to come home? Why didn’t he stay with me? What is going on?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I'm a Star
Anyway, last year Muno got to be in a commercial for a car. Look at this.
It doesn't even make sense. What is Muno doing riding in a car and going bowling with his new friends? I like to dance too but DJ Lance would never let me go dance in a place like that? Muno is just a kid like me? What makes him think he is so special anyway? Just cause DJ Lance likes him best. It seems like everyone likes Muno best. We all got shoes made for us but Muno was the first one to get his commercial released. Now I'm the big news, until someone else comes and gets their own commercial. Maybe being second isn't so good after all. So many more commercials will come after me and then everyone will forget about me and my bike. At least for now I am the big news. Look at me go!
The thing is, In Muno's commercial it was just him and his skateboard all alone in the city. At least half of my commercial is those guys on the bikes and they don't even talk to me. Whatever. Maybe someone will show my commercial to Mom. I even hear that they will make grown-up size shoes of me in the spring. At least that way my Mom can have me with her.
I'm going to go pick some flowers now. Maybe I'll knock over that block castle Muno is making. He deserves it.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Hello Everybody

Well, it’s getting pretty late. I should probably be in bed. Goodnight friends, goodnight flowers, goodnight birds and squirrels, goodnight Gabbaland, goodnight mom, wherever you are.