Hi everyone! My name is Foofa. I live in a place called Gabbaland with my friends Muno (he's tall and friendly), Brobee (the little green one), Toodee (she likes to have fun), and Plex (a magic robot). We all like to play and dance with our special friend DJ Lance Rock. DJ Lance likes to teach us about sharing and playing together but sometimes I don't want to share. The other day Plex taught us how to use the computer. Then, after everyone went to sleep I creeped into Plex's room and used the computer to make this special place just for me. Sometimes I like to be by myself. This will be my place. My own garden of words. Sometimes I think about the world outside of Gabbaland. Once I had a family and a mother. I miss her. Maybe if I put my words out in the world on the computer she will find me. Maybe I can talk to her again.

I never ask DJ Lance about my family. He doesn’t like to talk about it very much. He likes to have fun and teach us dances. I like to play with him too. It’s neat! I learn all kinds of new things from DJ Lance. Just the other day he played superhero with us and we even got to meet Super Mister Super Hero. He was so cool. We got to be our own superheroes too, see. It is neat to have super powers. It makes you think you can do anything.
Well, it’s getting pretty late. I should probably be in bed. Goodnight friends, goodnight flowers, goodnight birds and squirrels, goodnight Gabbaland, goodnight mom, wherever you are.
Hi Foofa,
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine told me about your blog so I thought I would check it out. Looking forward to reading more about Gabbaland and your friends. Maybe you should ask DJ Lance about your mom. It sounds like you'd like to meet her.
Good luck with your blog!
Hi Hilarie! Thanks for coming to my blog. I think DJ Lance is hiding something about my family. I don't know if he likes to talk about it too much. He talks about Muno's family but not mine. I think DJ Lance likes Muno best. At least he teaches me things and plays games with me. Maybe I should ask him, I think I'm a little scared.
ReplyDeleteDJ Lance Rock? Everyone of your friends has a home in Gabbaland, but where do you live?
ReplyDeleteI live in a place that cannot be named. It is outside time and space. I live everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. I travel through the void. I am, DJ Lance Rock.
DeleteDJ Lance, what do you do after you're done playing with your friends and place them in your boombox as toys?
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing it's the "Go home and relax" thing.
I try and get home. Sometimes I make it, other times they don't let me in.
DeleteCome on, DJ Lance! You've got to have some comfortable bed somewhere. You can't always sleep on the edge of Gabbaland.
ReplyDeleteHEY! DJ Lance, where are you and why haven't you replied me back? I said it once and I'll say it again:
ReplyDeleteCome on, DJ Lance! You've got to have some comfortable bed somewhere. You can't always sleep on the edge of Gabbaland.
My bed is my secret place. I can't tell. I might find you hiding under it one day!
DeleteOh! I'm so sorry to scare you, DJ Lance. I'm just curious about you. I'm a terrible fan.
ReplyDeleteIt's ok. We all need our alone spaces. I'm sure you have one too!
DeleteI do have alone spaces, DJ Lance! I just wanted to make sure you're healthy and happy. After all, I am one of your fans.
ReplyDeleteHey DJ Lance! I noticed something cool about your tracksuit! Are you a fan of the 1970s?
ReplyDeleteOf course I am. It was a time of awesome music and dancing! How could that be anything but AWESOME!
Delete"Awesome?" Don't you mean "groovy?" After all, we are talkin' 'bout the 1970s. Ya dig, DJ Lance?
ReplyDeleteThe didn't say Awesome in the 70s, you are right. But to me, everything that makes me happy is Awesome!
DeleteRight on! Speaking of the 70s, you remind me of this other cool dude named Easy Reader. His town was a place called The Electric Company, and he had the power to make words appear out of nowhere (plus he loves to read) He's also a ladies' man. When it comes to coolness, looks like you've beaten him. If Easy could see you now, he would say "Outta sight."
ReplyDeleteI owe so much of my style to Easy Reader! Back in my homeland I would watch him and learn.
DeleteDid you ever wanted to be as cool as him when you were young?
ReplyDeleteOf course!But now he is doing so many things, I don't know if I will ever be as awesome as he is.
DeleteWhat do you mean? What is Easy Reader up to?
ReplyDeleteYou know that TV I use to show the super music friends show? Other shows come on it too and sometimes I watch them while the gang is asleep. I see Easy Reader do all kinds of things. He drives in cars, fights in wars, solves, crimes. He can do anything!
ReplyDeleteBut Foofa, I thought the only thing Easy Reader could do was read and sing. And make words appear out of nowhere. I remember him singing "One word comes after another." He's such a reading freak!
ReplyDeleteDon't think negative, DJ Lance! Trust me, you're way more awesome than the Easy Reader! Easy can't do magic or fly, although he can make letters appear in mid air.
Humm, Maybe the guy on the other shows is Easy Reader's brother or dad? He sure looks like Easy Reader though!
DeleteI'm thinking you idolise the Easy Reader, don't you DJ Lance Rock?
ReplyDeleteI notice on the cover of Super Martian Robot Girl that your stamp (the one that says "DJ Lance Rock says 'This comic book rocks'") looks like Easy Reader's stamp ("Easy Reader says 'This book is easy to read'") Better get yourself a pair of sunglass because you're the new Easy Reader, Lance!
You flatter me too much! To think that I could be like Easy Reader to children of today is amazing. It makes me so sure that keeping my friends here in Gabbaland is the right thing to do! My family will be so proud.
DeleteFollow this adress, DJ Lance! Someone made a false origin of you: http://vimeo.com/21237160
ReplyDeleteThat story might be embellished but it isn't false, that's what it looks like when my people travel through time and space!
DeleteMy pal, Pinkie Pie, asked if you guys could come over to Ponyvile so she could throw a welcoming party. Does she have to throw a party at every occasion? I just don't get that silly simple-minded horse.
ReplyDeleteOOOHHH I would love to have a party with ponies! There aren't enough parties around here for my liking.
DeleteWell, Pinkie's got a special messege for you, Foofa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SctkxenKlI
DeleteI think Pinki an I would be amazing friends.
DeleteAgree! Both of you are pink and happy!
DeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you and the gang, DJ Lance! I am thankful for you being my truest friend! Now I'm straved, let's eat!
ReplyDeleteGoodness Gracious me! We ate so much here in Gabbaland. We're just now getting out of the food coma. How was your holiday?
DeleteWell, I enjoyed having Thanksgiving dinner with my family (I was more stuffed than the turkey), but even better is that I got to visit the Thanksgiving parade in New York! Have you ever been to that parade, Lance?
DeleteMe and the gang hit up the Parade a few years ago! It's an amazing time marching with everyone.
DeleteHelllo, Lance! Bbbbrrrrrrrrrrr. Baby, it's cold outside.
ReplyDeleteIt sure is! Kimba said that she was with some friends for Thanksgiving and it snowed where they were! Can you believe it.
DeleteThe most wonderful time of the year will be coming up, DJ Lance! You and the gang won't pass out like on the previous holidays, won't you?
ReplyDeleteWell, we just might! There is going to be a MASSIVE pizza party on Christmas!
DeleteWhat the-?! What ever happen to the average way people spend their Christmas days? Like the way me and my family (and other families) celebrated Christmas day:
Delete-Pancakes for breakfast.
-Opening gifts.
-Snow sliding.
-Christmas feast (it's like Thanksgiving again).
-And singing Christmas carols, while being severed Christmas cookies.
Those were the good old days. Maybe you and the gang wouldn't pass out again if you celebrated Christmas THAT way!
Growing up, Kimba and I would wake up our parents and invite them down to the X-mas Cafe where we would make them breakfast. Then we would open our Christmas stockings by the fireplace. Then we would head over to the tree for presents. We would play with our presents and talk and laugh and finally, when we were winding down, it would be time for dinner. We never could decide what we would have so one year, Kimba said, "PIZZA and FUDGE! So we rolled out some dough and made some fudge and that has been our tradition every year since! I like to share it with the Gang.
DeleteHey Plex, I've got a mistletoe. I'm gonna use it on Lance on Christmas day. Sh, don't tell him.
ReplyDeleteTry to catch him after his pizza coma!
DeleteLook Toodee! Don't Sonic look cooler than ever? He can escape an entire city in lickety split!
Why was Sonic running away from the military? What did he do?
DeleteNothing. The problem was he was framed by another hedgehog! A really bad hedgehog!
DeleteOh good! I was worried that my new hero might be a bad guy.