Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm a Star

Guess what everybody! I'm big news! I got my own TV commercial. Muno has been in other commercials before. It seems like everything happens to Muno. The other day Muno's whole family came to visit him. No one ever comes to visit me. Then, Muno and Brobee got to visit Muno's family at their house. I never get to visit my family.

Anyway, last year Muno got to be in a commercial for a car. Look at this.
It doesn't even make sense. What is Muno doing riding in a car and going bowling with his new friends? I like to dance too but DJ Lance would never let me go dance in a place like that? Muno is just a kid like me? What makes him think he is so special anyway? Just cause DJ Lance likes him best. It seems like everyone likes Muno best. We all got shoes made for us but Muno was the first one to get his commercial released. Now I'm the big news, until someone else comes and gets their own commercial. Maybe being second isn't so good after all. So many more commercials will come after me and then everyone will forget about me and my bike. At least for now I am the big news. Look at me go!
The thing is, In Muno's commercial it was just him and his skateboard all alone in the city. At least half of my commercial is those guys on the bikes and they don't even talk to me. Whatever. Maybe someone will show my commercial to Mom. I even hear that they will make grown-up size shoes of me in the spring. At least that way my Mom can have me with her.

I'm going to go pick some flowers now. Maybe I'll knock over that block castle Muno is making. He deserves it.


  1. Oh My Gosh, Foofa. I can't believe you knocked over my blocks just cause I got a commercial before you did. You get so many things. Did you see all those little girls dressed like you at our show? You have a commercial too, you should just be nice. Go pick some flowers or something.

  2. AAAH! Strive in Gabbaland! Foofa you are sooooo pink and pretty. And your shoes rock. I might have to buy a pair as a present to a special person. Great commercial. Maybe next time you'll get some speaking lines. Hey, I'm writing from Las Vegas, do you think I'll see Muno here? Anyway, don't worry and don't be mean to each other, OK? Jealousy does not become you.

  3. Muno, you are SO mean sometimes. This is my garden of words. You can't just come here and be mean to me.

    Beth, who knows if you will see Muno in Las Vegas. He seems to get to go everywhere. You just might. I guess I shouldn't be jealous but...look at what he said. He just makes me SO mad! Sometimes he is nice. I just have to remember the nice times.

  4. Hey Foofa, I didn't see Muno in Las Vegas. Maybe some other time. Can people visit Gabbaland?

    It's OK to feel mad sometimes but you have to learn how to handle your feelings without hurting yourself or anyone else. It takes time so be patient. Does DJ Lance help you learn about handling your feelings? Remembering the nice times is one good thing to do. Muno should do it too.

  5. Don't knock down Muno's castle! It's not his fault! You should always be nice to your friends!

  6. I try to be nice to him but sometimes he just makes me SO mad! That is part of being friends though. You have to learn when to take a breath and smell the flowers so you don't do bad things.

  7. Could I be one of your friends, too? I am very loney. You could always respone to my comments like we're talking. And for any chance, could you get me a reply from DJ Lance Rock. I'm his biggest fan! That would be AWESOME!

    1. I'm so glad you're a fan! Without people like you, I wouldn't be able to maintain Gabbaland the way I do. Please come and talk with us whenever you like.

  8. OH MY GOODNESS! DJ Lance Rock! I'M TALKING TO DJ LANCE ROCK! I'm so excited! Am I dreaming?

    1. It's no dream! Responding to blog comments is AWESOME.

  9. Golly! Would it be a pleasure If I became your (and the rest of the Gabba gang) best friend right now? Everyone loves you and so do I (the most)! Thank you, DJ Lance!

  10. DJ Lance? Do you ever find yourself a bit... ..flamboyant?

    1. Flamboyant! That's a great word to describe me. I like to wear capes and dress up and kick high! It's important to make an impression.

  11. What I'm trying to say DJ Lance is that some of the people in my world are upset that you're not the manly type. It's a drag that some people can be judgemental at times.

    But that's okay Lance, because I'm not the girly type. You're lovable just the way you are! Don't change!

  12. I don't know what isn't manly about dancing and celebrating awesomeness? Some people are just silly I suppose.

  13. What happens when you get angry, DJ Lance?

    Have you ever gave punishments to one of the gang for doing the wrong thing? I had a nightmare of you giving Muno, Foofa, Brobee, and Toodee cruel punishments, Lance. But the nightmare's over.

  14. Sometimes as a parent you have to discipline your children when they do something wrong. We don't like to do it but sometimes dark things happen.

  15. But Lance, I never seen you give discipline to them, probably because their not YOUR children. I've only seen you and Plex work things out nicely in song. For example:

    No, don't, take it away! No don't take it away!
    If, you, wanna play, don't just take it away!
    No no no no! Don't take the toys away!
    Say you're "sorry," and wait your turn to play!

    1. You don't see everything that happens here in Gabbaland.

  16. DJ Lance, I've got something serious to ask you and Plex. What if the gang grows into their teen years? They could get into trouble or drugs. Or maybe Muno might fall in love with Foofa. They could disrespect you and Plex. That's how some teenagers are.

    1. This could be an issue. I will have to compute. They were once babies and now they are not. Maybe DJ Lance can slow down time.

  17. You're a big help, Plex. What would you do if some jerk tries to offer them cigarettes and he tells them that smoking will make them look grown up?

    1. That's a good question! We don't get many visitors here in Gabbaland although they do come sometimes. Do you remember that crazy guy Jack? We will be taking a LONG vacation soon to the ocean. We'll be gone the rest of the month! I'll have to make sure and keep the gang far away from suspicious persons who are smoking and doing other bad things. We'll see you when we get back in August and I'll tell you all about it.

  18. Plex? Since you're back, I wanna continue talking about protecting the gang from peer pressure. It happens to all kids these days, no matter what age. You and DJ Lance need to keep these children healthy! Drugs are uncool! Here's a jingle:

    Dope is for dopes!
    Drugs are for dummies!
    And if you mess around with them,
    that kind of mess isn't funny!

  19. I've asked Plex this question, now I'm asking you, DJ Lance. What would you do if some jerk tries to offer the gang cigarettes and he tells them that smoking will make them look grown up?

    1. The gang is pretty good about checking with me about things that look wrong and I have a pretty good handle on the types of people that I let into Gabbaland. I don't think we'll run into that issue. But, if we do, I'll sing them a song and get them back on track!

  20. You're right, Lance! Keep these children away from drug use and peer pressure. You and Plex are the most responsible adults I've ever known.

    In fact, while you and the gang were on vacation, Fat Albert told me stories about the past. He told me that he helped kids with their drug problems and always sung a song about it. Albert's got a heart bigger than him. He's such a sweet kid. But not as sweet as you, Lance!

    1. Fat Albert and I should get together and sing a duet!

  21. I guess I was wrong. The gang will probably discover smoking when they're in their teen years. Kids only smoke if they see other kids doing it or they're imitating their parents.

    1. Yet another reason to keep them here and safe in Gabbaland. DJ Lance really knows what he's doing.

  22. Yo, Lance! Remember those shoe commercials the gang starred in? Now you're in the spotlight, baby:

    It's nice to see you shine!

    1. What do you think of my shoes?

    2. Now THAT'S a pair worth spending money!

    3. I'm glad you like them. I liked making everyone just like little versions of me. But then it ended and they all went away.

    4. "Like them?" I love them! That inspired me to go as YOU for next Halloween!

    5. WOW! That's pretty neat. I bet everyone would like your costume. I heard from the gang that you are going as a superhero this year. Superhero's are AWESOME.

  23. Well, see ya 'til Halloween, Lance! This superhero costume isn't gonna sew itself!

    1. I can't wait to hear all about your costume.

  24. Mo-wha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It's alive! It's alive! The Incredibly Amazingly Awesome Jane strikes treats tonight! I finished my costume, Lance!

    By the way, what plans do you have for you and the gang on Halloween, Lance? I heard it involves your mysterious friend, Gooble.

    1. I hope Incredibly Amazingly Awesome Jane had a great Halloween! We did too. Muno even played a few scary tricks on us. Then we ate LOTS of candy and our tummies hurt so bad we took a long long nap.

    2. WOW! By the way, how was that halloween party you threw for Gooble, Lance? I loved your cowboy costume!

  25. Hey DJ Lance, I've got a joke for you: How many feet does a sidewalk have?

    1. HUM, that's a tough one , Jane. Let me think? None? Because sidewalks don't walk!

  26. Nope. It depends on how many people are walking on it!
    Nice try, Lance!

    1. That is a good one! I'm going to have to try it out on the gang.

  27. I've got another joke for you, Lance! What do you think?:

    A bear comes into a diner. The man behind the counter says, "We don't get any bears around here." The bear looks at the menu and says, "And with these prices, you won't get any more. See ya."

    1. HAHAHAHAHA! That's pretty good. Here is one for you. Two snowmen are standing on a street corner. One snowman turns to the other and says, "Do you smell carrot?"

  28. Hey, Toodee! Have you ever heard of those parades that happens during Thanksgivig? What I love more than a Thanksgiving feast is a Thanksgiving parade!

    1. After our Thanksgiving we parades all around Gabbaland to work off the meal. Muno played his guitar and Foofa used her baton. We were still so full though!

  29. Say, Plex. How were you able to enjoy Thanksgiving if robots aren't able to eat?

    1. Thanksgiving is about more than food! It's about being with the people you love and I had plenty of that.
